aksoyih/RandomProfile is a PHP package designed to generate random user profiles with detailed information, tailored for Turkish data. It leverages the FakerPHP/Faker library to produce various profile attributes, including names, addresses, and contact details. This package is also available via packagist.
Example Links
This package makes heavy use of the FakerPHP/Faker to create totally random profiles with extensive details.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
composer require aksoyih/random-profile
Firstly, require the autoloader from Composer
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
Use Aksoyih\RandomProfile\Profile()
to create and initialize a Profile instance.
$profiles = new Aksoyih\RandomProfile\Profile();
Optionally, use setNumberOfProfiles(int $n)
method to specify how many profiles you want to create. If it is not used only one profile is created.
Optionally, use setGender(string $gender)
method to specify the gender of the profile you want to create. The method can take either male
or female
value as its only parameter If it is not used the gender will be chosen randomly.
Use createProfiles()
method to create given amount of profiles.
Finally, use getProfiles()
method to get the created profiles.
Example Profile
"gender": "female",
"name": "Ece",
"surname": "Yazıcı",
"tckn": "37555325128",
"serialNumber": "XX0X1EHDY",
"birthdate": "1970-11-03",
"age": 51,
"titles": {
"academic_title": null
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": {
"number": "05516725051",
"device_operation_system": "iOS",
"device": "Apple iPhone SE 2020",
"imei": "253945664829579"
"loginCredentials": {
"username": "kastamonu_ece25",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "$J.J(Iz*M1)_}i{me",
"salt": "=uwFya_qQ@or,<~~K&rfe9CC\"",
"hash": "Gc&E&=ybGE\"1Glp&-f$,",
"md5": "0986c1dffbfd39e99a209e43771b035d",
"sha1": "31f16c3351a53d6f7fa45fd74381f4d7fe4d7528",
"sha256": "$2y$10$kYyQOcumEt.tt3yTJiP9.OLe84HNpvCfoAXF5itBFpJdoVQiQtXKW",
"created_at": "2021-11-03 22:17:10",
"updated_at": "2021-01-19 06:15:05"
"miscellaneous": {
"favorite_emojis": [
"language_code": "ta",
"country_code": "TK",
"locale_data": "sv_FI",
"currency_code": "BBD"
"networkInfo": {
"ipv_4": "",
"ipv_6": "c7e7:d8e8:13c4:da4e:a343:ab59:2c0a:20ed",
"mac_address": "DB:65:05:1F:C2:21"
"maritalInfo": {
"status": "married",
"marriage_date": "1983-05-10",
"marriedFor": 39,
"spouse": {
"gender": "male",
"name": "Sarp",
"surname": "Yazıcı",
"tckn": "20883598418",
"serialNumber": "UNXPTRE4J",
"birthdate": "1950-07-28",
"age": 71,
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": {
"number": "0 (505) 013 79 80",
"device_operation_system": "iOS",
"device": "Apple iPhone 12",
"imei": "572518440097912"
"children": {
"count": 2,
"children": [
"gender": "female",
"name": "Ümran",
"surname": "Yazıcı",
"tckn": "56107641066",
"serialNumber": "MBVJB60TB",
"birthdate": "1998-10-15",
"age": 23,
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": {
"number": "0 (222) 687 19 25",
"device_operation_system": "Android",
"device": "Samsung Galaxy S9",
"imei": "487564188315789"
"address": {
"fullAddress": "Çaycevher köyü, ramazan mevkii Taşköprü 77 / Kastamonu",
"city": "Kastamonu",
"district": "Taşköprü",
"street": "Çaycevher köyü, ramazan mevkii",
"apartmentNumber": 77,
"postalCode": 74949,
"timeZone": {
"timeZone": "Europe/Istanbul",
"time": "13:22:50"
"coordinates": {
"latitute": "41,38871",
"longitute": "33,78273"
"openstreetmap_link": "https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41,38871&mlon=33,78273"
"gender": "male",
"name": "Doruk",
"surname": "Yazıcı",
"tckn": "73683349216",
"serialNumber": "FZ5WITPKW",
"birthdate": "2017-03-25",
"age": 5,
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": {
"number": "0 (507) 943 66 02",
"device_operation_system": "iOS",
"device": "Apple iPhone 11",
"imei": "026461998721348"
"address": {
"fullAddress": "Çaycevher köyü, ramazan mevkii Taşköprü 77 / Kastamonu",
"city": "Kastamonu",
"district": "Taşköprü",
"street": "Çaycevher köyü, ramazan mevkii",
"apartmentNumber": 77,
"postalCode": 74949,
"timeZone": {
"timeZone": "Europe/Istanbul",
"time": "13:22:50"
"coordinates": {
"latitute": "41,38871",
"longitute": "33,78273"
"openstreetmap_link": "https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41,38871&mlon=33,78273"
"address": {
"fullAddress": "Çaycevher köyü, ramazan mevkii Taşköprü 77 / Kastamonu",
"city": "Kastamonu",
"district": "Taşköprü",
"street": "Çaycevher köyü, ramazan mevkii",
"apartmentNumber": 77,
"postalCode": 74949,
"timeZone": {
"timeZone": "Europe/Istanbul",
"time": "13:22:50"
"coordinates": {
"latitute": "41,38871",
"longitute": "33,78273"
"openstreetmap_link": "https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41,38871&mlon=33,78273"
"bankAccount": {
"iban": "TR79694464241X1J7P46986BJ3",
"bic": "LVRJXA9S",
"bank": "Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası",
"currency": "TRY",
"balance": 50648.65,
"debt": 6245.49
"images": {
"avatar": "https://avatars.dicebear.com/api/personas/cercetin.jpg",
"profile_picture": "https://xsgames.co/randomusers/avatar.php?g=female",
"pixel_art": "https://xsgames.co/randomusers/avatar.php?g=pixel"
"job": {
"workingStatus": "working",
"company": "Başoğlu Ticaret A.Ş.",
"position": "Falcı",
"startDate": "2010-10-19",
"endDate": null,
"experience": 11,
"salary": {
"monthly": 17563.76,
"annually": 210765.12
Contributions are always welcome!